The clean command


clean [-verbose] <Root> ...

Command clean removes all intermediate files produced by previous compile or compile_to_c.
Names (<Root> ...) can have the Eiffel suffix, no suffix at all, or the suffix used for SmallEiffel command files on your system (.make on UNIX or .BAT on DOS for example).


Example 1
To remove intermediate files produced for the HELLO_WORLD program.
Type:clean hello_world
You can also type:clean hello_world.e
or you can also type:clean HELLO_WORLD
on Unix, you can type:clean hello_world.make
on DOS, you can do:clean hello_world.BAT

Example 2
Under Unix or DOS, remove all intermediates files in the current directory : clean *.e
If the root class file is not in the current directory, you can type (for Unix) : clean *.make

Option -verbose can be used to see what files are removed.

Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - <>
Last update: Tuesday June 9th, 1998